Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Friday, 10 April
18.00: Opening of the sepia (cuttlefish) gastronomy event. Music and tapas in the restaurants' marquees. Taste and vote: you decide which is the best tapa! Plaça de sa Quarantena (i.e. at the end of the Paseo Marítimo near to the commercial port).
18.00: Opening of the artisan craft market.
23.00: Music in the marquees by Complices en Concierto.
01.00: DJ party.

Saturday, 11 April
10.00: Opening of the gastronomy event, boat show and artisan craft and food markets:
Includes "La Balear", a traditional "vela llatina" boat owned by the Council of Mallorca, the "Salvamar Saiph", owned by the Palma Marine Rescue Service and the Guardia Civil Marine Rescue boat.
10.00-13.30: Three-dimensional games and children's "bicycle park" (with assistance from the local police).
11.00: Opening of the exhibition. "Fishing craft - an old profession with a future perspective". Sant Pere Brotherhood building on the old pier.
11.00: Opening of the restaurants' marquees.
11.00-13.00/16.00-19.00: Demonstrations of sailing and kayaking and surfing. The beach by Alcudiamar.
11.00-13.00: Open doors at the School of the Sea (Esports Natura). Alcudiamar.
12.00-13.30: Demonstration of crafts for the sea by old fishermen.
12.00: Street procession by Xaranga of Alcúdia (music). From the church.
16.00: Departure of L'Estol del Rei en Jaume and the Alcúdia giants (plus pipers). From the church.
18.00-20.00: Children's parties.
22.30: Music and tapas in the restaurants' marquees. Bep Marqués, Torrofort and DJs.

Sunday, 12 April
10.00: Opening of the gastronomy event, boat show and artisan craft and food markets:
Includes "La Balear", a traditional "vela llatina" boat owned by the Council of Mallorca, the "Salvamar Saiph", owned by the Palma Marine Rescue Service and the Guardia Civil Marine Rescue boat.
10.00-13.00: Children's parties.
11.00: Opening of the restaurants' marquees.
11.00-13.00/16.00-19.00: Demonstrations of sailing and kayaking and surfing. The beach by Alcudiamar.
11.00-13.00: Open doors at the School of the Sea (Esports Natura). Alcudiamar.
11.00: Demonstration of radio control boats.
11.00: Parade of boats.
11.00: Demonstration of flyboard.
12.00-13.00: Music from Sotavent. (Cuban sea songs).
12.00-13.30: Demonstration of crafts for the sea by old fishermen.
12.00: Street procession by Xaranga Sa Cadireta (music).
15.00-19.00: Music in the restaurants' marquees.
16.00-19.00: Children's parties.
16.00-19.00: Children and juvenile schools of ball de bot folk dance followed by general folk dance. With Sarau Alcudienc. Aires des Pla de Marratxí, La Sínia de Consell.

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